I greet you! Here we are again and we will be building our third Hearthstone Tier 2 deck list. This one is somewhat of a unique pack as this type of Aggro deck was very strong back in the day. It got knocked down to being unplayable a couple of expansions ago due to the […]
Hearthstone Strategy
Mid Range Paladin Deck: Finja and The Silver Hand Murlocs
Well met! Today we are going to be building a Tier 2 deck. This is going to be the first Mid Range archetype that we are building. Hearthstone Mid range decks offer the best of both worlds, a slice of Aggro and also a slice of Control. It is, after all, a different beast altogether. […]
Pirate Warrior Strong Aggro Deck Building Guide
Heh, greetings!! Today, we will be embarking on a new Hearthstone deck building adventure. We have already completed building the Tier 1 deck lists for this new meta game. These were the Highlander Priest, the Jade Druid, the Tempo Rogue, the Token Shaman and the Mid Range Hunter. We covered the full builds for the […]
Hearthstone Aggro Deck: Tempo Rogue with Prince Keleseth
Greetings lads! We are back at it again with yet another Hearthstone deck building. We are going back to our original format of the Aggro builds, but this time, however, this is going to be a top tier deck that is being used by players such as Asmodai, Sottle, Mitsuhide, MrYagut and Thijs. Each of […]
Hearthstone Control Deck Building: I am the Highlander!
What’s up lads! We are back again with another Hearthstone deck building guide. This time we will be looking at another archetype that is quite famous in the game. We have already discussed it and built one deck in that archetype, which is Control when we built the Jade Druid. However, that is only one […]
Beginners Aggro Deck Building: Thrall’s Tinkering Tokens
Alright, lads, we are here again to build another Hearthstone deck. It is going to be another aggro deck and will be crafted towards a budget conscious beginner. This list will be like the Mid Range Hunter pack, although it is a little bit more expensive than that. The one we are talking about is […]
Hearthstone Deck Building: Blackpaw’s Totems and Jade Figurines
Today, we will continue with another Hearthstone deck building adventure. We are going to be focusing on one of the staple Druid decks that has been around since the expansion Gadgetzan. It already has seen lots of playtime in high tier competitive gaming and has had lots of variations since its release. We are looking […]
Hearthstone Beginner’s Secret Mage Deck Building and Playing
Hello! Karmakeddon here again and today, we will be building yet another Hearthstone beginner friendly budget deck. With all that nerfing fiasco Blizzard is releasing with the coming patch, it is always nice to see something that is not affected by those changes. This will be another aggro deck as playing aggressively early on in […]
Crafting Your First Hearthstone Budget Hunter Deck
Hey guys, Karmakeddon here again and now I will be discussing some tips if you are going to be playing Hearthstone and not planning to spend any money on it. Basically, you would be able to reach higher ranks even if you are a F2P player as it has been proven time and time again […]
HearthStone Ranked Play in a Nutshell
Everyone wants to test themselves against other people and see how they stack up. Hearthstone offers Ranked play in both Wild and Standard mode. Aside from getting your name up on the leader boards, the Ranked play also rewards players depending on the highest rank you attained for that month. Reaching rank and higher 20 […]